There’s a very good reason. Both psoriasis and eczema, as well as many other related chronic skin conditions are incurable, at least for now. There are several main reasons for that and why they may not be cured in the future. For now, they are NOT. One reason is that they are not life-threatening, although they do drastically change our lives. Another is that it is not widely known by those who do not suffer from any of them because we do our very best to hide the fact that we suffer from any of them. The other is, in our opinion, that way too much money is being made to treat these conditions and, if eradicated, it would be financially harmful to many in the medical community. We hope that we’re wrong but, that’s not likely. If any of them are eradicated, when that will happen is merely a guess.
1) Because it is hereditary and can skip several generations or, affect you at different times of your life or,
2) It can go into remission for days, months, or even years all on its own or,
3) What you are using to relieve the symptoms works until your body builds up a resistance to that particular medication and it then stops working or,
4) Your life conditions attributed to stress, childbirth, chronic unrelated illness or,
5) Your life activities (smoking, drinking in excess, etc.) or,
6) Your BMI (Body Mass Index) and finally,
7) Your diet.
Diet is last on this list because, your current diet may be partially the cause, but changing your diet to compensate, in hopes of reducing your condition, usually has little to no long-term effect. What you eat may contribute to the condition but, if you change your diet to try to compensate for your known mineral loss, you will, in most cases, not be able to eat enough of the right foods on a regular basis to have any meaningful, long-term effect on your condition. The oddest thing about all the diets that are out for control of skin conditions seem to have an abundance of foods in those diets that are very high in zinc. Hmmm.
As you may or may not know, as we stated above, both psoriasis and eczema are non-contagious, hereditary afflictions. None of the other related skin afflictions are contagious either. Some of the other related ones are suspected to be also hereditary, at least to some degree. What this means is all we can do is treat the symptoms. Psorclear does more than that. It treats the suspected cause, the lack of zinc in our bodies. It is also specifically formulated to help reduce or, in most cases, totally eliminate the known possible side effects of digestive discomfort. Psorclear, unlike many of the other prescription medications that are available, does not have any known possible serious physical side effects. That is because Psorclear is merely a mineral supplement that replenishes what is clinically known to be deficient in those of us who suffer and It Really Works.
There are 16 diseases that, at one time, were considered incurable. However, since then they have been either eradicated globally or, have been eliminated regionally. Psoriasis, eczema and some of the other related chronic skin conditions may very well someday be other conditions that may join that group and no longer torment us for our entire lives.
Until then, your best chance at consistent, effective relief of your chronic skin condition, such as psoriasis or eczema, is Psorclear. Psorclear has been proven to be effective in relieving chronic skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema in thousands who have used it. It will continue to work for as long as you continue to use it, unlike many of the other prescription medications and over-the-counter treatments that only work for a while, if at all. See what our hundreds of reviewers have to say about it.
1) Keep experimenting with other treatments, drugs, diets and concocted remedies and stay in that revolving door that has no way out or,
2) Try PSORCLEAR today, for consistent, effective psoriasis relief. The choice is yours.